Understanding the link between individual resilience and high performance, engagement and job satisfaction is a primary capability of a talented workforce. When your employees are highly resilient, they can manage significant change and overcome business challenges more efficiently and quickly. There is a direct link between employee resilience, job performance and retention. Your organisation must strive to ensure your talent is prepared and able to take on the future. Designed by neuroscientists and experienced medical professionals, The Neurozone® system is utilised by industry leaders worldwide (including MIT, Absa, PWC, Momentum etc). It looks at multiple neuro-behaviors that influence Resilience and, as a result, the capacity for High Performance. The tool applies these algorithms to your neuro-behavior scores and ranks them according to the highest impact they will have on your Resilience and High Performance capacity for the lowest amount of energy required from you to cultivate these behaviors. The system considers the dataset of all of our users across the globe to determine which neuro-behaviors tend, overall, to have the greatest potential effect in anyone’s optimization journey. The ranks of the neuro-behaviors in this global system change over time as new data comes in and as the conditions of the human landscape shift.

Once you understand the degree of resilience in your organisation, you can plot a course to build it up, taking concrete steps to prevent burnout, and unlock the capacity for high performance. This is encapsulated in the Neurozone® High Performance Code: a means to provide invaluable insights into underlying human performance drivers, which in turn provide cues for us to help your people perform to their happy, healthy, productive potential. QED People Analytics has proudly partnered with Neurozone to offer affordable, practical, and efficient tools to measure the resilience of your people. QED will support your journey through internal implementation, training, data source connectivity and preparation. Find out, for free, in 3 minutes flat how resilient you are by completing the individual quick assessment here, to get your Neurozone® Resilience Index (NRI) score. The NRI is a scientifically verified measure of how resilient an individual is and will give you a glimpse into the tool.
Reach out to us or visit https://www.neurozone.com/ for more information.