Information on people and culture is typically derived from employee surveys; 20th century technology that struggles with accuracy and interpretation. More modern pulse surveys also suffer from bias and low participation. For the CEO, the Board of Directors or for the investors, having the right company culture and avoiding the wrong one is critically important. However, until now this could not be measured easily nor effectively. Traditional people KPIs are ineffective compared to other business-essential KPIs for productivity, revenue, cashflow and profit. Traditional people KPI’s contain very little hard data, are mostly anecdotal, and are not an integral part of the company dashboard. At the same time companies’ people assets are increasingly more valuable than their physical assets; by a factor 3:12.
KeenCorp’s software analyses daily digital communication between people. It recognizes tension and psycho-linguistic patterns in written text, producing a single people metric: the KeenCorp Index. It is predictive and a leading indicator for business performance and risk. The KeenCorp algorithm collects data in real-time for many different groups in the organization. Individuals are clustered by department, location, years of service or any other meaningful ‘split’. This provides a precise and actionable insight into where culture is flourishing, or where future issues may occur. It indicates which decisions, investments, programs are working for staff and which aren’t.
QED People Analytics has proudly partnered with KeenCorp to offer affordable, practical, and efficient organisational tools for your business. QED will support your journey through internal implementation, training, data source connectivity and preparation. Speak to us today or visit to explore further.