Typical organisational behaviours:
Stage One
Organizations in this stage of their analytics journey exhibit a low-level of operational reporting and data processing capability.
These organizations usually lack an HR Information System (HRIS) for supporting worker transactions, often relying on payroll software for employee record data management.
Reporting is restricted to decentralized data sources, necessitating manual effort for compilation, cleaning, and analysis.
The quality and consistency of reporting are limited.
Leadership typically consumes basic headcount and associated worker metrics with few insights.
The organizational data capability is at a low level.
01 HR Information System (HRIS), LMS and Payroll
We offer affordable, scalable and effective HRIS cloud solutions and for your organisation. Enhance your HR offering today with market-leading technology from Signify Software. With Payspace, we can also assist with your payroll requirements.
02 Data management
Data source identification, cleaning and linking. We speed up your ability to access and view your organisational data.
03 Operational Reporting
Report compilation and processing for your functional areas. We create, deliver and manage your regular reporting requirements so you don’t have to.
04 Skills Framework design
We analyse your business landscape to design and implement an effective, aligned and useful skills framework.
05 Benchmarking
We improve your capability to map, measure and remunerate correctly for the roles in your organisation. We offer remuneration reporting and analysis, and positional / work level assessment.
Typical organisational behaviours:
Stage Two
Organizations in this stage of the analytics journey typically demonstrate a medium level of operational reporting and data processing capability.
These organizations may possess an HR Information System (HRIS) and potentially have internal resources attempting to provide ad-hoc or cyclical reporting and operational insights for their functions.
Reporting still necessitates some level of manual intervention and data cleaning, while data access and consistency remain challenging.
Decentralized data sources and poor data quality are prevalent in these operational platforms, and there is typically no data management or analytic strategy in place to improve this situation.
The organizational data capability is assessed as medium.
01 Dashboards
We offer cloud-based, secure, and affordable dashboard analytics for your organisation. Our experts will design, manage and rapidly implement a dashboard solution for your business.
02 Leadership & Board Reporting
Report compilation, analysis commentary and analytics for business leadership. We offer insights into your organisation so you can make data-lead decisions.
03 Advanced HRIS analytics
We link your disparate platforms and analyse the data in practical methods, so you can improve your workforce talent engagement, retention and capability.
04 Talent Acquisition & Deployment
We help source and deploy employees within your organisation. Leverage our networks to get the best skills in the market, and ramp up your operations on demand.
05 Workday support
HCM Core, module implementation and Report Writing support for your environment. We will support and enhance your Workday investment by providing expert services whenever you need it.
Typical organisational behaviours:
Stage Three
Organizations in this stage of the analytics journey typically exhibit a comparatively advanced level of analytics and data processing capability.
These organizations make use of an established HR Information System (HRIS) platform and rely heavily on internal and external expertise to extract maximum value from their data sources.
Some form of data management strategy may be in place, and these organizations utilize data to enhance their workforce insights, focusing on reducing talent losses, controlling expenditures, and improving operational/strategic efficiencies.
Cloud-based platforms are well integrated into these organizations, and leadership regularly utilizes reporting and analytics through these tools.
The organizational data capability is considered advanced.
01 Root-cause analysis and insights for critical business questions
We offer bespoke analytic services to identify critical dimensions and drivers impacting your organisation. Get deeper insights and make better decisions for the future.
02 Workforce Planning
Design and reflect business change scenarios for your organisation with our cloud-based planning tool. Map your current and planned positions, monitor budgets / expenditure, and provide gap analysis data on demand.
03 Mergers & Acquisitions
We offer global expertise in support of your M&A processes by conducting effective due diligence reporting, employee benefits and cost-of-equalisation analytics, and detailed workforce insights. Make the right choice for the future of your organisation.
04 Database Management
Link your varied data sources with powerful tools that provide your business with clean, accessible, and managed data pipelines. Our experts will enhance and scale your business data, allowing significantly improved analytic capability.
05 Workday Analytics and advanced modules
Our experts provide advanced reporting and calculation configuration so you can extract deeper insights from your Workday data. Time Tracking, Learning, Talent and Recruitment module configuration will enable the maturity of your HR offerings in the business.
Typical organisational behaviours:
Stage Four
Organizations in this stage of the analytics journey are widely recognized for their advanced analytic and data processing capabilities.
They typically use best-in-class software platforms.
These organizations work with large data sets and employ data warehousing methods to gain profound insights into their workforce, internal operations, and external customer base.
They often have professionals in areas such as Business Intelligence (BI), Data Science, and Data Management as part of their network.
They leverage these capabilities to make strategic decisions for their market, product offerings, and services.
A significant portion of their functional efforts is directed towards data collection, data management, and data insight-related tasks.
The organizational data capability leads their industry.
Assess and track the sentiment of your organisation in a live measurement tool. Track the actual impact of business change, leadership communication and policy implementation with leading NLP algorithms. Provide real-time analysis of your workforce without the need for ad-hoc surveys. Obtain an early warning signal to avoid key talent losses before they occur, and understand critical operational failures before they impact your operation.
01 Embedded AI technology
Blended neuroscience and analytical measurement tools to ensure increased job satisfaction, workforce resilience, performance and engagement. We offer proven clinical neuroscientific measurement tools to gain deep understanding of your targeted employees. Obtain immediate analytical oversight of all neurobehavioral facets within your core talent pools and receive practical action planning to improve and strengthen your workforce for the future.
02 Neuroscientific analytics
03 Predictive analytics
Enhance your analytical landscape with predictive analytics to focus on future events and trends. Plan ahead for imminent change, and ensure deep understanding with continuous oversight of your workforce.